Seven tips on choosing the right subjects

Choosing the right subjects is important for your chosen career path
Choosing the best subjects for you is very important to your success at school, including home schooling, and your success in your future career.
High school learners have to choose their subjects in grade 9 and will continue with these in grades 10, 11 and 12. It is often a nerve-wracking and tough choice, and can lead to anxiety that it’s irreversible.
According to CareerPrep and CareerPlanet, following the tips and tricks below will help direct you in the right path.
1. Think about your future goals
Take time to really think about what career path you would like to follow. Do not feel pressured to be what someone else is choosing – everyone is different. Your career choice is your choice and a deciding factor in the subjects you choose.
2. Don’t let a bad teacher put you off
Guard against not wanting to take up a particular subject just because you have had a bad experience (or good) with a particular teacher. Don’t allow your experiences with teachers, whether positive or negative, determine your choice of subjects. You will be doing a great injustice to yourself if you let this happen.
3. Choose subjects you enjoy
Besides selecting the subjects needed for your chosen career path, choose subjects that you enjoy. When you choose these you will listen more, work harder and do better. Remember that not all subjects are relevant to your future life and that is okay. Most importantly, you must have amongst the subjects you choose, those that will take you to where you need to go.
4. Focus on strengths and weaknesses
All students have their strong and not so strong subjects. Be sure to include your strong subjects into your selection. Example: if you have been excelling in maths, then include Pure Maths in your subject choice. However, if you have been struggling then rather choose Maths Literacy. Always keep to your career path though.
5. Make note of compulsory subjects
The four compulsory subjects are two official languages (one Home Language and one First Additional Language), Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy and Life Orientation. Learners must also choose three optional subjects from a list of 25 approved subjects. Of these, a maximum of two additional languages may be selected.
6. Make a list of subjects you want to do
Draw up a list of subjects you may want to do and start narrowing it down according to what is required for your career. If your list ends up being longer than you are allowed, cut back on the ones that least interest you.
7. Consult with your parent/guardian
Although you have the final say, consult with your parents/guardians and seek their advice. They can help provide direction and may clear any doubt you may have.
It is highly advisable to seek the guidance of a career counsellor when making this all-important decision as this is what shapes your future.